What is CCSVI

What is CCSVI

November 21, 2017 0 By Dr. Jose Rodriguez

What is CCSVI?

CCSVI (or chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency) is a term identified in 1998 by the Italian physician Doctor Paulo Zamboni to describe a condition where the blood flow in the veins leaving the central nervous system (CNS) is limited by the narrowing or thickening of the veins in the neck, chest and spine.

Researchers believe that to compensate for the reduced blood flow from the CNS the body uses different veins (called collateral vessels) to drain the blood from the CNS, back to the heart. It is thought that blood breaches the walls of these vessels, leaving iron deposits in the surrounding tissue.

Dr Zamboni, a phlebotomist, detected a link between CCSVI and Multiple Sclerosis, linking the presence of iron deposits in most MS sufferers’ brains with the deposits created by CCSVI. The presence of CCSVI is now considered to be an early indicator of Multiple Sclerosis.

We use two diagnostic procedures – a Doppler ultrasound of the neck and brain to detect the presence of blood reflux, followed by a venography (dye injection) to assess blood flow and possible stenosis – to evaluate the best way to treat your CCSVI.

Treating CCSVI

Dr. Zamboni’s work suggests that treating patients for CCSVI can slow or reverse the debilitating effects of Multiple Sclerosis. The treatment (coined “the Liberation Method”) is a simple procedure which unblocks restricted blood flow from the brain. Research shows that more than 80% of patients with a Relapsing –Remitting MS, over 90% of patients with secondary progressive MS, and 90% patients with the primary -progressive type of MS had CCSVI that could be treated using the Liberation Method. Here at Hospital Angeles Tijuana we are proud to be at the forefront of this exciting advancement in medicine and the treatment of diagnosed MS.